Wouters BV works together with many regular and reliable suppliers in the region. Thus, by good control, the welfare and consistent quality of the cattle are guaranteed.
Cattle from the surrounding region is supplied by certified cattle transporters. Upon entry the compliance of the animals, with the quality requirements of Wouters BV, is controlled in several ways. Transport and health are monitored by a permanent ‘welfare officer’. The earmark numbers of the supplied cattle are entered into a database and checked for life cycle and medication use.
This identification tells us whether the cattle is in good health. The earmark numbers of the cattle are then linked to a tracking system. These numbers follow the meat throughout the supply chain and are stated on the packages. This way the meat can always be tracked, from “farm to fork”.
Wouters BV has a slaughter capacity of about 400 cattle and 1,000 sheep a week.
Cleaning and disinfection of conveyance and transport equipment
Transport equipment is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at Wouters BV. At the cleaning and disinfection site, approved by the NVWA (R&D site), the official (called ‘stalmeester’), equerry present ensures the supervision on the compliance with the protocol. The R&D location is certified.